Mr. Saltwater Tank

Mr. Saltwater Tank’s 375 Gallon Reef Tank Build Show

375 gallons makes a large saltwater tank. There’s lots of swimming room for fish, lots of places to put corals and lots of opportunities for the unexpected to happen during the tank build process. Fortunately for me, I got all the issues out of the way before the tank got wet.

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Comments for this article (109)

  • Laurie Coleman says:

    Hi Mark,
    Am I jealous of your 375g tank………. you bet I am, absolutely the Bee’s knees,. I guess I will just have to wait until I am an experienced reef keeper. The video as usual is terrific so as I have said so many times please keep the video’s coming, we are all learning so much from you, so I will both congratulate and thank you for all your time and effort.
    Laurie (from the U.K)

  • Mike Henson says:


    I have been following you since I got into the hobby about a year and a half ago and in that time I have gone from a 40 gallon to a 90 gallon to a 90 gallon bow front (wouldn’t do that again) to my current 180 gallon. looking at your 375 it definitely does not look like you have 375 pounds of rock or even half that in your tank. So my question is how much should I have. In my 180 I have about 130 pounds of rock and about a 1 inch deep sand bed. I keep hearing from people oh man you need way more rock in your tank. I have created hiding places and nook and crannies for coral. I really want to see my fish so I created a lot swimming room in the tank. What do you think?

  • Leann Cunningham says:

    Dude you are my hero!!!!

  • Julio says:

    Hey Mark, congratulations for your wonderful tank!!!! I’ve been follow you for a while and definitely I decided to build my own big boy. I just want to ask you a big favor…I know that the expenses for maintenance of a tank depends of many factors but I would like to know how much money you have to spend monthly to keep running your tank. Just to give me an idea if I need to ask permision from my wife.

    Thanks for your great advice and inspiration. Finally after 4 year of reading and planning I’m going to start this wonderful project.

  • Vish says:

    Hi mark.
    What’s the size of Screw did you use in the Radion lights.

  • Tod Howard says:

    You may be happy to know your old 375g is up and running here in Fla.

  • Tod…up in running as in your house?

  • Tod Howard says:

    Yes, picked it up last week.

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